Capacity Development for Educational Institutions
The Rambhau Mhalgi Prabodhini (RMP), India’s unique training and research institute has actively been engaged in the capacity building of the workers of voluntary organisations and people’s representatives at various levels. Since a few years, RMP has taken another initiative in its forte of training, by launching its wing for comprehensive training in Institution Building.
The impact of privatization, globalization and liberalization is not far to seek in trade and businesses. And since there are no watertight compartments the impact of these processes is also felt in the education sector. To remain ahead and relevant in this era of cut-throat competition these institutes need to internalize changes and review their way of functioning in the light of changing times. Schools, colleges, and universities are facing innumerable challenges in the evolving circumstances and are forced to reinvent themselves.
This is where comes the role of CIBLS. The Centre for Institution Building and Leadership Studies (CIBLS) was launched as an independent entity in 1997 for the overall capacity building mainly of those in the sector of education. Later, co-operative banking was also brought under the wing of CELLS.
- To undertake comprehensive capacity building exercises for the management as well as teaching and non-teaching staff members of schools, colleges and Universities and similar institutions mainly with a view to inculcating.
- Consciousness about institutional responsibilities, institutional ethos, and the wiser context of institutional functioning
- A sound understanding of the process of institution building
- Leadership Skills
- Team Spirit and a sense of collective responsibility
- Understanding of the importance of work culture and quality functioning
- All relevant functional skills and abilities
Organizational skills, leadership qualities and institute building abilities are an integral part of management science. The combination of management science and practical considerations of ground realities would strengthen the educational institutes. RMP has been organizing various activities for the four components connected with education through the medium of capacity building programmes.