Leadership usually rises from the grassroots. And it is Grass roots that it must strive to address. RMP awakens this sense of responsibility in those who rise from this grim.The nation does not want able activists who have the potential to lead her. Tens of thousands of well-meaning individuals struggle in the dust laden streets for the rights of their societies; strive to bring change for betterment. The need is to channelize and guide this bridled force for development of the nation.

RMP seeks to be the enabler that elevates these promising individuals to become leaders. We are proud to have developed and established the very concept of Political Training in India. We have practiced specific need-based training to produce outstanding women leaders, youth leaders, leaders from weaker sections of the society among others.

At Prabodhini we offer innovative and tailor-made training programmes that actively engage individuals and organisations for capacity building and skill enhancement purposes at various levels. For any training to be successful and well targeted, organisational and institutional capacity gaps need to be correctly diagnosed, specific training needs must be assessed, and participants need to be selected strategically. Training success is predicted on adequate design with use of appropriate and professional pedagogic design, including opportunities to practice learned skills.

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GEO Spetial
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Women Empowerment
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Political Leadership
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Personality Development
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Good Governanace
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Voluntary Organizations
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Netritva Sadhana
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Content Creation & Film Appreciation (Media)
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At Prabodhini, we believe that a high level of competence is always the result of systematic training and we endeavour to deliver the same. A variety of training programmes to cater to the needs of the voluntary sector and elected representatives of people is the hallmark of our mission. Our experts regularly assess the training needs of the respective sectors and develop tailor-made training packages.

Capacity Building Programmes at RMP

  • Political activists, officer bearers of political parties, elected representatives and their staff.
  • Activists of voluntary organisations
  • Women Empowerment
  • Principals, teachers and Management Committee member of Educational Institutions (‘SUMAN’ Programme)
  • Good Governance- for Govt. officials, elected representatives and ministers
  • Applications of Geo- Special Technology for developmental work.
  • Personality Development
  • Activists of Public festival Committees
  • Temple Management
  • Librarians & Library Staff
  • Entrepreneurship (In Collaboration with AIC-RMP Foundation)
  • Leadership management, Governance & Policy, Democracy & Politics (In Collaboration with IIDL)
  • Media for development

Various beneficiaries for which RMP has organised specific capacity building programmes:

  • Political Party Workers
  • Members of State Legislatures
  • Municipal Councillors
  • Village Panchayat Members
  • Village Panchayat Chiefs
  • Zilla Parishad Members And Office Bearers
  • Mayors/Women Mayors
  • Young Tribal Leaders
  • Women Leaders Community Leaders From Arunachal Pradesh and North East India
  • Minority Community Activists
  • Women Leaders from Rural Areas
  • Trustees of Charitable Trusts
  • Trustees of Educational Institutions
  • University/College/School Non-Teaching Staff
  • Teachers
  • School Head Masters
  • College Principals
  • Students of Journalism
  • Co-Operative Bank Staff, Directors and Managers
  • Librarians & Library Staff
  • Activists of Voluntary Organisations
  • Office bearers of Temple Trust
  • Govt. Officials
RMP Office Location Name Email Mobile
RMP-Chanchal Smruti
RMP-KEC Uttan Vinay Mavlankar vinaym@rmponweb.org 9096548250
RMP Pune Office Rahul Tokekar rahult@rmponweb.org 9822971079
RMP Delhi Office Kamlakant Pathak rmpdelhi@rmponweb.org 7208070872