In 2018 Hon’ble Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi launched The POSHAN Abhiyaan with an aim to make India malnutrition-free by 2022. The Abhiyaan is based on 4 pillars of:
- a) Ensuring access to quality services
- b) Ensuring inter-sectoral convergence
- c) Leveraging technology (ICDS-CAS)
- d) Jan Andolan.
To further strengthen the Jan Andolan component of Poshan Abhiyaan, India Cowin Action Network (I-CAN) had reached out to NITI Aayog to work on demand –side determinants of malnutrition and improve key health and nutrition behaviors and contribute to achieving Honorable PM’s vision of Kuposhan Mukt Bharat. ICAN is a technology-based platform launched by Rambhau Mhalgi Prabodhini in March 2020, in the wake of the COVID-19 Pandemic to connect those in need of assistance with those who can provide the required help. During lockdown, I-CAN could provide help to more than 4 lakh people with the help of its 3800+ registered NGOs and 4000+ volunteers.